We grow a variety of cucumbers. Some have thinner skin and some have thicker skin. Toss them in everything in the summer! We also grow pickling cucumbers that can be used for a style of pickling called lacto-fermentation.
Cooking Tips:
Picking Recipe: Supplies:
2. Mix 1 tablespoon salt into warm water, stir to dissolve, let cool and add to jar. 3. Add chopped garlic, spice and dill. Fill jar to 3⁄4” from top with cold water. Tighten lid and shake to distribute salt. 5. Make sure cukes are below water level – you can wedge them under the neck of the jar, or you can use a few cuke slices to keep the good cukes below the water. 6. Leave on a tray at proper temperature (62 to 78 degrees) for at least 3 days, with lids medium-tight. After three days “burp” the jars (open them over a sink and let out some pressure). 7. After 5 to 10 days, when you like the flavor, compost the slices from the top (if they are moldy or soft) and transfer the jar to the fridge. Enjoy! (If you want half-sours, use a bit less salt and only ferment for 1 or 2 days). These lactofermented pickles will be full of probiotics! Season: Summer |